Thursday, May 20, 2010

Blogger Motivation Survey

I'm currently working on a cross-cultural master thesis on "Change in blogger motivations over the blogspan." If any of you out there have time, would you please help me fill out the survey in the following link and you'll have a chance to win a 4G USB dirve. Your 10 mins will make a major contribution to my study. Thank you for your kindness. I truly appreciate it! If you have any question, please feel free to contact me at


  1. I have filled in the survey...just to let you know.

  2. Hi Howard, I also have filled in your survey but can I say it is not a good idea to visit people's blogs and simply leave the survey invitation in their comments field. When I post a painting, I want comments about the painting, not about something else. You should have found out my email address (its on the blog) and emailed me. Anyway, I've filled it in and I'm from England. Hope you do well with your studies. Kind regards, Sheila Vaughan.

  3. Hi Shelia. Thank you for your kindness. I apologize for being so inconsiderate. I'll keep it in mind and be more careful next time! Thanks again =]

  4. Check out posting the hottest stuff ever!
